Spotted Owl Mosaic — Site-Specific Installation by Peter D. Gerakaris for the Berkshire Botanical Garden, translated into mosaic by Miotto Mosaic Art Studios. Curated by Beth Rudin DeWoody. 81 in. x 92 in. x 12 in, Glass Mosaic on stucco wall w/ live plants. 2021. Permanent Collection of the Berkshire Botanical Garden. Photo: Courtesy BBG

Spotted Owl Mosaic translates Peter D. Gerakaris’ vibrant painting and site-specific design into mosaic, presenting the endangered owl as a Neo-Byzantine icon of our contemporary environment.

Spotted Owl Mosaic (3/4 Perspective w/ Midsummer Plantings) — A Site-Specific Installation by Peter D. Gerakaris for the Berkshire Botanical Garden. 2021. Photo: Courtesy BBG

Spotted Owl Mosaic (Detail ) — A Site-Specific Installation by Peter D. Gerakaris for the Berkshire Botanical Garden. 2021. Photo: Mary Gerakaris

Spotted Owl Mosaic — Enveloped by plants, the architectural garden folly welcomes the public through a nostalgic sense of place — like a fragment of civilization reclaimed by nature. The mosaic process itself — which literally creates new imagery from broken fragments — underscores notions of rebirth and the mending of society’s fractured relationship with the environment.

Spotted Owl Mosaic — Plant & mosaic detail at the Berkshire Botanical Garden. 2021. Photo: Mary Gerakaris

Spotted Owl Mosaic — A Site-Specific Installation by Peter D. Gerakaris for the Berkshire Botanical Garden. 2021

Spotted Owl Mosaic (Detail ) — Mosaic installation detail with vines at Berkshire Botanical Garden. July, 2021. Photo: Mary Gerakaris

Spotted Owl Mosaic (Detail ) — A Site-Specific Installation by Peter D. Gerakaris for the Berkshire Botanical Garden. 2021

Spotted Owl Mosaic — Artist Peter D. Gerakaris with curator Beth Rudin DeWoody at the opening reception for Taking Flight at the Berkshire Botanical Garden. June, 2021

Spotted Owl Mosaic (Detail ) — A Site-Specific Installation by Peter D. Gerakaris for the Berkshire Botanical Garden. 2021. Photo: Mary Gerakaris

Spotted Owl Mosaic — Opening reception & unveiling of Spotted Owl Mosaic in Taking Flight at the Berkshire Botanical Garden. June, 2021

Spotted Owl Mosaic — Opening reception & unveiling of Spotted Owl Mosaic in Taking Flight at the Berkshire Botanical Garden. June, 2021

Spotted Owl Mosaic: Installation Process — Peter D. Gerakaris (right) with Stephen Miotto (left), carrying finished mosaic panel on-site for installation in stucco “ruins” wall custom-designed by the Artist, 2021

Spotted Owl Mosaic: Behind the Scenes — Finished mosaic panel in studio prior to on-site installation, 2021

Spotted Owl Mosaic: Behind the Scenes — Peter D. Gerakaris sketching final details on 1:1 scale artwork mockup at the Mosaic Studio, 2021

Original Artwork upon which the Mosaic is Based: Spotted Owl Icon I, 16 in. x 16 in., Gouache & gold leaf on panel. 2017